Sunday, June 9, 2024


This week..

— I still haven’t found the time I wanted to document our trip to Alaska! But as I lay next to the kids for bedtime tonight, I thought I would at least add a few memories from this week..

— Callum desperately wants to be his older sister. He will interrupt a conversation “hey Mom! Hey mom! Hey mom!” and then come up with a spelling question on the spot “how do you spell.. red truck?!” He will usually ask 3 or 4 in a row before he is satisfied/proud that he is like his sister. He will also tell us “facts” from time to time. If you ask him how he knows that, he will reply “because I know things!” with the cutest inflection in his voice. It isn’t also rainbows and sunshine though- he is throwing bigger tantrums including throwing whatever is in his hand. He is also sticking/hitting fairly regularly. It’s mostly to get attention or if his sister doesn’t something to start a fight- but he’s now a strong 3 year old so it’s a behavior we are cracking down on. He has transitioned well to the 3yo preschool room at daycare. I had to pry him off my legs when he returned after our vacation. Being completely together for over a week and then returning to school with Dad away at church camp instead of doing drop off - it was too much for Callum!

— Elle moved from beginner to intermediate at gymnastics. They worked her hard with more strength training and races then her last class. This summer also seems to have less participants so there is more 1:1 attention and the waiting room is more peaceful. Elle has been resistant to wearing shorts this summer because “she doesn’t like them”  so we went clothing shopping together this weekend. We only have 1 or 2 options in town but she was super enthusiastic at the first store! She picked loud, tropical prints and a mix of styles - so we will see if she wears what she chose! But the poor girl has been melting at her summer program in her long pants - so I am just thrilled she has some options. She has been having fun at her summer program. Last week they went bowling, to the library, to different playgrounds and splash pads. Her best friend Sophia is at the program with her but will go to another school for first grade - so we are enjoying the built in time together!



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