Sunday, August 28, 2011

First Two Weeks

I am totally frustrated that I didn't allow time to blog tonight. I want to make this a Sunday night habit so I can minimally stay in touch during these next few crazy years.

Some updates from these last two weeks:
  • We had a week of orientation for UNMC. They spent most of the week explaining to us the resources available (how to use the library, free counseling, etc). They also spoke very realistically about how physicians tend to live shorter lives, experience higher divorce rates, suffer greater from untreated depression, and have an increased risk of substance abuse. Encouraging, right? They made us aware of these things to enforce the point that we need to continue to take care of ourselves these next four years: eat well, exercise, sleep enough, maintain healthy relationships, etc. One of my favorite things they encouraged us to do is to make a list of accomplishments each night. I feel extremely guilty each time I step away from studying, so this recommendation may help me cope with that guilt on less-than-perfect days.
  • Friday of orientation week we were gifted our white coats. We will wear these white coats when we work with patients for the next four years until we are awarded our "long coats" (the traditional length you see). It was fun to see everyone walk across the stage and hear where they went to undergrad.

  • I've spent many, many hours this last week in these two places, the Sorrell Center (where we have lectures and study rooms) and the Anatomy Lab (where we learn from cadavers):

  • I feel incredibly blessed to study medicine in such a beautiful facility. Not only do we have amazing professors teaching (our anatomy professors have over 160 years of teaching experience combined!), we also have incredible technology. Every lab table (four medical students) have a projector and screen to project text book pictures of the muscles/nerves/bones. We also have flat-screens all over the lab that the professors can show images/xrays/whatever on. We are able to move at such a rapid pace because the answers to our questions and so easily available.
  • There has also been life outside of school! We had a barbeque with neighbors tonight (probably 30 of us or so). I also had two of my best friends from undergrad stop by. We had another couple over to watch some football Saturday night, and I met with a few girls earlier today. The house is also slowly evolving. We hung a piece of Evan's art in the kitchen. Its probably my favorite piece he's done and it matches perfectly. It makes me smile every time I walk into the kitchen:

I have a few other thoughts on my mind but I will share them at a later day. I love you all! 

PS- Is everyone else super excited to start football next weekend? Go 'skers!


  1. Krista - I am so excited you are going to have this blog. This is fabulous! I love the paragraph about the Stoecker's. Its fun for us to hear how you are juggling med school and still having fun! LOVE YOU BOTH! Mom

  2. Krista haha i see you stole the apple painting!! ahha it looks awesome! monarch football also started!! ha we won 48-3 and i am the main guy who starts the chants and stuff! i lost my voice for two days. All i could do was whisper hah so bad. still raspy but i can atleast make noise ahha. I love you k! and love this idea! Have a blast! or should i say... a staining blast!!

  3. Hi Krista
    I love this idea!! Thank you so much for thinking of all of us. You look beautiful in your new lab coat. How wonderful that you have met some friends and are fixing up your "new" place. I love the painting and especially how the candle centerpiece looks with everything :) Take care!!
    Love you
    Barb Harris

  4. Hi Krista and Travis:
    I love these updates... absolutely love them!! I studied the neck and nerves, and head and muscle anatomy when I was in beauty school. Had I had the chance to hold the brain,,, who knows what I would have done.

    Your townhouse is shaping up nicely. I think brownie ice cream would have had priority over the fireplace too, but what a great fireplace..

    Lets see for my weekend I did school stuff for my class. I am having some computer issues and Glenn is determined he can fix our antiquated Dell, I was ready to purchase myself a nice new lap top but oh well. I have to
    give him his fix up time!

    I have plans to have Mel's Color guard for dinner on Friday evening after school, before the football game. There should be 27 girls.. I made cupcakes yesterday. I think we might have pizza and salad.

    Take care..I have hypertension too. It isn't fun. Hang in there..
    love you

  5. Thanks for sharing this journey of your new chapter of life! I always, always knew God had great plans for you!! He is smiling bigger than all of us.... you go girl!

    Love, Debbie

  6. Krista - Your meals look DE LICIOUS! Travis is always so appreciative at your creative cooking. I love how you stay in the solution to create smoother and easier weeks like packing lunches on Sundays. Great idea. Love you SO MUCH, Mom
