Sunday, May 12, 2024


This week..

— was celebratory to say the least: Cal’s birthday, Elle’s birthday, a night in Omaha for volleyball/birthdays with grandparents, a trip to Lincoln for extended family Mother’s Day and then it was Sunday for our own Mother’s Day! Quite a week! We kept birthdays at our house simple with presents and cake after school/work. Elle received mostly pretend teaching supplies (the globe that teaches facts in the highlight) and Cal got many fun Duplo sets. We had a SuperNova game in Omaha so the kids got another birthday party with Gigi/Pap pap AND lots of family. Elle has forever said that Ryan is “her favorite family member” and the fresh flowers he brought here were a total highlight. She was “Star Student” this week which included show and tell the next day, and she desperately wanted to take the flowers.

— the kids and T spoiled me on Mother’s Day. I’ve been fixated on an upgraded luggage set that I twisted T’s arm to buy when it was the only thing I asked for :) Cal was relatively behaved in Church with only one projectile (a package of kleenx chucked behind us) and one exclamation that he was “hanging on the monkey bars!” as he kicked his legs over the pew in front of us. Never a dull Sunday! I snuck some time this afternoon to start packing the kids suitcases for our trip to Alaska - the packing cubes are busting at the seams but I think we’ll be prepared! Ha!



Sunday, May 5, 2024


This week..

— was probably the calm before (the exciting but busy!) storm. Tomorrow starts birthday celebrations then Mother’s Day plus preparing for our vacation to Seattle/Alaska and immediately after Travis goes to camp with the teenage boys from church. Add in a few trips to Omaha for volleyball games - it’s going to be a great month!

— as I write this, Callum is in the car with Travis for time out because he “is a monster” says his dad who spent the second half of church in the hallway with him. Can’t wait to hear the stories - ha! It ended with time out in the car- so it must have been rough! Before he left the church service, he had thrown a car over the pew and announced to everyone “I’M SICK!” after a ten second inhale through his nose. Ha! Meanwhile, Elle refused to break character as a waitress with her menu and continually explains how “wadur” aka water was NOT written on the menu so I needed to pick a different drink (sprite and root beer were also cutely phonetically spelled. 

— we have been loving being outdoors. We splashed in puddles, taken many walks around the neighborhood eating ice cream bars, and Cal probably touched every blade of grass in our yard with his bubble lawn mower.



Sunday, April 21, 2024


This week..

— ended in Omaha with a SuperNova volleyball game. T and I have had so much fun with these season tickets! On our way into town, we stopped at the drive-through zoo. We had the most fun hiking through their trails. Elle pretended to be our tour guide “I do this every day. Watch your step” and was completely excited to take the “strenuous” route. Cal jumped and ran and skipped through the trails as well. T would say that seeing the bald eagles was his highlight. Cal would say sitting on the tractor was his favorite. The kids asked good questions and also said hilarious things like “I see the red heads!” when Cal spotted the cranes.While we were at the game, Elle told Gigi my response to her inquiry about a specific birthday present was that I “may” get it for her “which always means she will”. She isn’t wrong! The kids have birthdays in 2 weeks and then at the end of the month we visit Seattle to see my sister and spend a week on an Alaskan cruise. Sandwich in Mother’s Day, Gigi’s birthday, the last day of school and tickets to the volleyball championship- May should be a great month!



Sunday, April 14, 2024


This week..

— the kids have made us smile more than ever. They have a really sweet sibling relationship and will squeeze side-by-side on a swing or look out for each other on the playground. We had warm spring weather this weekend so there were lots of giggles coming from the trampoline and many updates about the worms they found as we did some spring clean up in the yard.

— Elle is testing out to be an excellent student. She is learning the basics of reading and loves to have us spell words for her to write. She is level headed about school but she has an inflated ego about gymnastics. Ha! If we can make it work in our schedule - we will sign her up for a dance class too. This weekend, Elle had to “hand-make” something to bring to school to “sell” as they end their most recent unit. Elle decorated paper cell phones and she expects they will be a hit!

— Callum loves to be the center of attention. He does different comical voices and if something gets a laugh, he will repeat it again and again. He adores his big sister and often copies her every move and word. The low point of this week was a random 2am wake up when he was ready to be up for the day. I walked down to the dim playroom for the first few hours and then traded with T. Within a few minutes of being in the playroom, Cal ran back with a bag of Cheetos and a napkin. He acted like it was the most normal thing! He sleeps with a photo of him and Elle in the airport and asks to go back on an airplane almost daily!

