Sunday, July 7, 2024


This week..

— I’ll remember a Mommy/daughter outing to the movies.. which quickly turned into sheltering in an inner hallway when a tornado warning occurred. After an hour in shelter, we were able to resume the movie. Elle was sure glad she brought her popcorn and candy to the shelter!

— I’ll remember Cal making up songs to narrate his day. He also takes the beginning of a well-known melody/verse and sings it on repeat “one two three! One two three! Pick up sticks! One two three!” etc. I’ll also remember him asking us to play Uno and repeatedly calling it “Uno Dos” or “Uno Dos Tres”.

— I’ll remember going to the country club 4th of July party and running from inflatable to inflatable with Elle’s best friend and her siblings. Then, right at dusk, a high thunderstorm came through so they rushed the fireworks before dark and the crowd all went running to shelter. 

— I’ll remember Elle picking out a handled insulated water bottle with a straw (and one for Cal) at the grocery store. She has carried it around constantly and has told me multiples times “water just tastes better out of it!”

— I’ll remember writing this blog post at the park, in the rain, after taking the kids on a bike + trailer ride despite the weather. They are now alternating showing me “dances”. Elle just did a less-than-perfect cartwheel and then posed on the floor confidently. She told me immediately afterwards “Mom, you didn’t know it, but I actually messed up and then just did a really cool pose instead”. Gotta love her confidence. 

— I’ll remember Elle crying but continuing to try at swimming lessons and then beaming with pride when she learned to go underwater. I’ll also remember Cal sitting on the step and shaking his head “no” in slow motion at every polite invitation to join.



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