This week..
— the little things feel difficult. We’re over-scheduled, interrupted way too often overnight, and the kids are overly-energetic during the day. The priorities are barely getting done and everything is “divide and conquer” instead of being able to run-the-list and/or collaborate. There are a lot of short fuses and kids pushing boundaries. Overall things are good, and we still have plenty of gratitude about our situation, but we’re tired and frustrated this week. As an example, I got to the grocery store Saturday night at 10pm and then still had charting to work in from earlier this week. Add extra Callum wake ups overnight and it makes for parents that aren’t functioning anywhere near capacity.
— we finished adding a new layer of much to our landscaping! We have a vine that is proliferating in our front flower beds and it causes the day lillies to look asymmetric as it disrupts their normal pattern. The only positive is that it pulls easily but it is near impossible to keep up with. Also, one of our two lilac trees died. It did give us an excuse to buy a proper chainsaw!
— Elle graduates from preschool this week and she is just sure we will “be impressed” with the graduation program. She will continue at the daycare/preschool through the summer but the curriculum will conclude. Elle had Kindergarten roundup last week! She was disappointed that “she only saw the classrooms and cafeteria!” when we had prepped her explaining this would be a chance to have a tour of her school. She was shy when the unfamiliar adults spoke to her but she ran right back to the classrooms when instructed to do so. She’s going to thrive in school!
— Callum is becoming genuinely funny. He can now understand when he is being entertaining and tease you or be progressive to get a bigger reaction from you. He is making much more clear sentences/thoughts like “more fruit snacks” in church when previously he would have pointed and signed more. “More” and “all done” are still very frequent signs (daycare taught them to him). He is starting to really shadow his sister and mimic her as she runs through the house playing. His smile is contagious!
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