Sunday, March 19, 2023


No quarters required for these kids!

This week..

-- we capitalized on days where we could play outside. Cal had a blast standing on the adult scooter as T willingly pushed him around our neighborhood. Elle started that walk on her scooter but instead parked it to dance and sing instead. We also took the bike trailer to the local school playground and had to drag the kids out after dark they were having so much fun. On windy, cool days we shoot hoops in the living room where Cal reacts adorably to every miss "ah!" or make "yay!". He also had an adorable, barely understandable thank you every time you return a ball to him. He'll only pause shooting to sprint to the kitchen for "snack!". 

-- Elle continues to be a good critical thinker. She asks questions like "do you think people are tired of that song about our country where we hold our hands on our chest? It's such a beautiful song but do you think people will want to pick another one soon?" She is often a very sweet older sister and totally melts if Cal snuggles up to her. However, he can also be a typical younger sibling and will just randomly strike her or steal her toy - that doesn't go over well. 

-- we are in full planning mode for a trip to Florida and Disney World next month.  Any free minutes in my schedule is filled with listening to podcasts or reading advice from other families. We're excited!!



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