This week…
— Elle has adapted well to an adjustment in our bedtime routine where we read library books in her bed. There is a high prevalence of Disney Princess stories.. and if it’s a multiple-storybook, then she’ll start tapping on the next page signaling she wants to keep reading (as long as your willing really). Today she impersonated the song leader in her Sunday School class and directed Cal and I at singing songs. She told us to split into groups and that the big kids had the chorus.. though she couldn’t explain what that meant. We moved a bed from our guest room into Elle’s room to give her a real bed frame and prepare her mattress for Cal someday. She was SUPER resistant to this at first and then was giddy excited as she re-made the bed. As we speak, she is tying the sleeves of her dress in different configurations and giving me an unsolicited tutorial.
— Callum spent most of church underneath the bench in front of us rolling around eating fruit snacks. He again yelled “more! more!” after the bread was passed and “wa wa!” when the water came down our row. He fell asleep on the floor in the hallway while Mom talked and then spent the afternoon roaming around the garage stacking a tower of Diet Coke next to Mom while she did hospital admin work. He now says a great “sissy”. He’s fighting another cold and isn’t breaking his “come-to-mom-and-dads-bed-at-night” habit anytime soon. He is hard to keep indoors now that he has mastered our exterior door handles and he loves it so much.
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