Sunday, March 11, 2018

HO3-- WEEK 36

A throw back to packing for our move TO Grand Island..
This week..
-- this week didn't have a lot of glitter. I spent most of my down-time studying for my boards that I will take in early April - though I did get a much needed hair cut!
-- (and next week) I'm spending with Urology so I'm seeing many, many more elderly men then I see in my typical clinic.
-- we got a quote from a moving company and scheduled a date! It's a little tricky since we plan to move the same time this kiddo is born - and we all know that we only have a guess of when that will happen! We plan is to downsize to a mattress on the floor, one box of kitchen supplies, and a suitcase of clothes around the middle of May, then we'll grab a U-haul for those last few things and move to Holdrege after delivery! We've been slowly boxing up some of our less-frequently used possessions and are making a list of what we plan to downsize/sell before we go (washer/dryer, sectional, etc). We shall see if we can make it all happen!


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