Sunday, January 15, 2017

HO2-- WEEK 34

T + Dad + E  ||  Photo credit: R
This week...
-- T started a new job! He has officially switched banks and is now training to be a financial advisor for First National! He has been contemplating this move for a few months now, as he has been seeking a new adventure. His job will be quite different than his previous, and will require a 45-minute commute to Kearney most days, but he is excited about the move. It feels like more of a career rather than a job (with a cooperate credit card for meetings with clients!) which is what he has been searching for. He will spend the next few months back in student-mode as he obtains licenses for investments. Definitely more to come!
-- T was able to join the major family men in Colorado for their annual ski trip! Unfortunately my call schedule prevented me from joining them - so it was full testosterone again. His trip will be short as he left after work Friday and plans to be back Monday night - but he is thrilled to be able to go! Now they have to play the "when to drive home" game with this major ice storm that has been predicted. Prayers they will all travel home safely!
-- we took another step forward on our "project" I mentioned last week and placed an offer on a house in Holdrege! Kinda crazy, right? Project is a poor term for it because it is completely move-in ready minus a few hanging bars in closets and window treatments - simple stuff. Don't worry, there will be more chatter and pictures to come (probably more than you'll want!) once it's officially ours. We noticed this home when it went on the market 2 months ago and have been joking back-and-forth about how we should snag it. Real estate is a little different in a small town - we always imagined we would build a home but weren't excited about the local options and obviously the volume for sale is lower - but we came across this home which has the majority of the finishes/amenities we would have put in a new build and some other really cool features. We accepted their counter-offer so on to inspections!


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