Sunday, September 18, 2016

HO2-- WEEK 16

Our view in the park tonight playing frisbee at sunset
This week..
-- I had a birthday and aged one year closer to 30! The day of my birthday was pretty chill but T surprised me with a beautiful bouquet and I bought myself a few things at the mall (including a new pair of booties I've been lusting over for one year!) Every year I enjoy reflecting on what the next 12 months may hold and everything we experienced in the previous. I think our generation is particularly terrible at slowing down and spending time in reflection - I think I'll make that one of my goals for this year. It's too easy to spend your time thinking "life will be great when      ... you know? I think we'd all be even happier if we enjoyed living in the moment.
-- we enjoyed a big Husker football win vs Oregon! T had to work through the first half of the game, so I just blew up his phone with my play-by-play commentary. I'm sure he loved it! Ha. We watched the second-half with T's mom and grandparents which was a blast. Both T's Mom & Grandpa had  birthday's this weekend so we did plenty of celebrating (and good eating!).
-- T and I are counting down the days until we leave for a trip to NYC later this month! Everything this weekend was "we will do this only      more times until we leave for NYC!". You'd think we were leaving tomorrow with how much chatter we had about it. But we are both super stoked to see my brothers, see the city, and just have uninterrupted time to play!


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