Sunday, November 1, 2015


A few snapshots of our house so we can list it for sale!
This week we...
-- realized again that T and I have basically zero Halloween Spirit. He spent the evening at a burger joint watching the World Series game and I took a much-needed evening nap then discovered that you can browse the aisles at Target virtually undisturbed by any other shopper while everyone else is out Trick-or-Treating. We actually considered dressing up for a party we were invited to but time got the best of us. Maybe next year!
-- have started walking through our home with a critical eye about what will survive our move next year. We are going to slowly start selling many of our possessions (elliptical, weight bench, kitchen island, sectional, office furniture, washer/dryer, etc). The only things we will for sure take is our bedroom furniture, computer, tv, outdoor grill, and deep freezer. Just about everything else will likely end up for Craigs's List. So, if you are in search of anything, let us know! 
-- are again bit with a travel bug! T just planned a last-minute trip to visit family in Texas this month but it hasn't stopped us from talking about places we would love to visit. We spoiled ourselves with a big trip each year we've been married (so far!) and it's strange for us to not have something in the works. It's much more complicated to travel due to my restricted schedule as a resident, but maybe we can work something out next fall. This world is too beautiful to just stay put! I think another trip to either the Northeast or Northwest United States may be next..


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