Sunday, May 24, 2015

Commencement Ceremony

The morning after Hooding, we gathered with all of the other UNMC students at Ralston Arena for Commencement! This ceremony included everyone: clinical laboratory science, radiation science technology, medicine nutrition, cytotechnology, master of perfusion science, cardiovascular interventional technology, diagnostic medical sonography, radiation therapy, master of science, doctor of philosophy, bachelor/master/doctorate of nursing, master of physician assistant, post bac/master in public health, pharmacy, physical therapy, and finally us! Doctors of medicine!

The "Conferral of Degrees" was my favorite part of the ceremony. Usually it was the Dean of each college that "presented" the students as a group to the Chancellor as qualified for receiving the degree of study. The group of students would stand as the Dean said something like "these students completed the necessary requirements and received their doctoral hoods in a private ceremony last night. They took the physicians oath and I now present them to you". Okay, that was nothing like what they said. It was much more eloquent and formal. But then the Chancellor would recite a few sentence acceptance and we would move on to the next program. During this part of the program was when I felt a wave of excitement. It was powerful to see how many healthcare professionals we were sending out into the world to do their part!

Then we suffered through each name being read individually -- much less exciting (especially since we had just celebrated the evening before at hooding).

I had a whole section of family members there supporting me again. But, this is the only photo evidence I have:

Couldn't have done all of this without these good friends:

UNMC Primary Care Program
And just like that- I'm a doctor! Of course we once again celebrated with food! But I must have been too busy eating & chatting to take any pictures... 

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