Sunday, June 8, 2014


Have you noticed how close the numbers are getting to 52 weeks? This year is nearly over! Crazy!

This week was completely consumed by school and recovering from 13 straight days of work so I don't have anything fun to write about. Sorry! We even had an anniversary (that we ended up not properly celebrating because there are not enough hours in the week..) For nostalgia's sake, here are the posts from our first anniversary and our second anniversary! I wish I would have had a chance to write another post on our anniversary but I just couldn't make it happen. T spoiled me with an amazing bag for our anniversary - he is the best! He has been totally spoiling me by grilling dinner for us every night and maintaing the house/chores. He is truly the best! I am still crazy about this goofball and thank God for him every day!

For the remainder of this post I'm going to try to document the reality of this week so I can laugh about it some day :) I'll try not to sound too whiney!

The theme of this past week was "catch up on sleep". Having call last Sunday sorta threw off the rest of my week.. My call night ended up being pretty busy - busy enough that I had lunch at 2:00pm, a yogurt at 5pm, then a banana and poptart at midnight (--> no dinner). After midnight, I didn't eat again until 2:30pm the next day. But, I actually got a solid 3.5 hours of sleep before morning rounds! (Thanks to nice residents that let me sleep!) The call rooms are pretty nice with a bed, desk, computer, and private bathroom w/ shower. In the morning I chose showering over breakfast and rounds were slower than usual because we switched to a new team of docs so we hustled right from rounds to our 1:00pm lecture (hence the no food until 2:30pm). When lecture ended at 2:00 I went straight home and made my self sleep for a couple house so I could wake up and study for the next day's lecture! Life of a medical school student!

The actual call day was super busy running back and forth from our work room to the ER to patient's rooms to codes, etc. But it really wasn't too bad! In fact, I had a hard time making myself go to sleep overnight except I knew I would regret it the rest of the week if I didn't. T/W/R/F were still all a little rough.. The work we were doing this week wasn't terribly exciting so I noticed my sleepiness more than I may have other days. I was 5/5 on falling asleep while studying in the evening after work ;) For the record, I am a terrible napper. I wake up totally discombobulated and without an appetite for hours. So, not only was I still behind on sleep but then I wasn't hungry to eat dinner until bedtime.. I was just an all-around hot mess this week :) Once I even woke and told T that I needed to go round on my patients soon.. totally incorrect!
The call room which had an awesome view of the helipad for this creeper student :)
btw - helicopters are ridiculously loud when they fly that low!
Yesterday I went in for rounds but I had today completely off! *insert sigh of relief* It felt super nice to sleep in a few extra hours this morning before church compared to my normal alarm time. I think I'm finally back in a normal rhythm! Now I just need to get motivated to study crazy-hard these last three weeks of the rotation so that I can score well on my final tests! I gotta wrap this up post so that we can grab a few minutes with friends at a neighborhood BBQ before the reality of Monday hits! Love ya!


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