Sunday, September 8, 2024


This week…

— I’m going to ensure I don’t miss blogging! The biggest highlights that come to mind? Elle started first grade! She is completely smitten with a Disney movie series called Descendants and asked that I play “Rotten to the Core” on the way to school. Ha! She’s in dance and gymnastics for her after school activities. She builds with duplo blocks nearly every night or laughs until tears with her brother.

— Callum has also learned the Descendants sound tracks. He sings “what’s my name? What’s my name? Say it louuuudeeerrrr.” at least daily. He was highly impressioned by the bull fighting we saw at the State Fair and now runs in circles around the living room and then jumps and straddles a chair or couch like the guys did on the arena fence/gates. Sometimes he will even convince Elle to be the bull chasing him!

— we are still talking about our Labor Day trip to visit Nana in Pittsburgh. The kids are troopers with the travel. They loved every minute wrestling in Nana’s living room (that we were not allowed in when we were kids!), riding her stair lift, and exploring the Carnegie Melon Natural History Museum. We also were able to visit the Pittsburgh Temple open house and ran into a friend from Grand Island!



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