Sunday, December 18, 2022


This week..

-- we tried to make a Christmas memory that hopefully was more enjoyable for the kids then the adults. After work last Wednesday, we drove to Kearney for a "Polar Express". T's work bought everyone tickets so we didn't hesitate to join. Elle is typically a good car-rider but she whined most of the drive there that "this was NOT a good idea! It's too far away!" (It takes us 45 minutes) We then got there and as we unloaded kids we realized Cal had bare feet. No socks. No shoes. It was like 10 degrees outside with the windchill. The trolley was a little overbooked to fit everyone from his workplace that wanted to join, so we were smushed in a narrow bench with the kids on our laps in our large winter coats with a diaper bag. Cal jumped on my lap and swung his head back striking the window and trying to open the window escape handle we had. The trolley stopped and "elves" brought on hot chocolate and sugar cookies to add to the chaos of our already full hands. Then while we drove to the spot with Santa, they read the Polar Express book while Cal whined/cried. The kids were both super excited about Santa who came and gave each kid a bell but Elle was too shy to take a picture with him. The entire ride was 30 minutes and then we were right back in the car to get home for bedtime. Not our finest family experience but on-brand for this stage of life :)

-- Elle continues to crack us up with her vocabulary. When she went to the bathroom at church with her dress and tights she made it a point to tell me "it was complicated!" because of her layers. She went to Walmart with me one night for stocking-stuffers and it was already dark. She told me she was afraid in the parking lot at dark "because what if we are actually in a belly of a fish and that is why it's dark!!" She was seriously concerned it was possible. Also, maybe I already mentioned this, but she has her suitcase packed sitting in her room "because if there was a fire and we had to leave, then I wouldn't lose everything!" She has packed thoughtfully with a few sets of clothes, underwear, pajamas, a stuffed animal, and a few room decor items. I'm not sure where this emergency preparedness came from...

-- Cal is a handful. He has started to throw most items. He will be eating at the table nicely and then will quickly chuck some food across the table. He also has thrown and shattered an ornament and often finds the salad tongs to help him strip the tree of ornaments. The worst moment of the weekend was when he pushed his step stool over to the tabletop tree. On the tree are a daily ornament that each symbolize a story about Christ. The ornaments are 3D wooden items so we thought the biggest risk was either chipped paint or something that would require a glue gun to repair. HOWEVER, he was noticed to be chewing on something and the floor had been fairly clean so it was suspicious for a non-food item. We called him out and ordered to him to spit out whatever it was. But he ran.. and then he swallowed whatever it was. We went back to the tree and we cannot find the small "pail" ornament. I say small but it was about the size of a whole walnut. Thankfully he didn't choke, but hopefully he was able to bite it into a piece or two so it can pass... but it was solid wood. So we are on diaper watch to see what happens!

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