Sunday, November 24, 2019

This week..
-- Elle had her first haircut at a salon (instead of by a wiling friend at daycare!). She hated every second of the cape around her neck. Thankfully, the gal had her ends trimmed in just a minute or two. As soon as the cape was off she was thrilled to eat her sucker and no longer upset. Because of the tears, this was the only picture I snagged.
-- Elle has mastered turning the Christmas Tree on and off. It takes both hands for her to squeeze the floor button but she beams with joy when it works. So far, she has left the ornaments alone so we've had zero casualties. Our toddler-friendly decorations for other areas of the house are growing too. We spent an hour at the playground this afternoon and Elle sang and stomped over every inch. She cracks us up at mealtime when she asks for "more!" when she has half her serving left because she likes the item so much.  She is a professional at swaddling her baby dolls and walking around patting their back while saying "night night!" repeatedly. We made a "sensory box" with dried beans for her to scoop/shovel/pour/etc and she only follows the rules about half the time. It usually ends abruptly when she starts throwing or splashing beans. We're trying to get ready for a high-energy winter indoors!



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