Sunday, January 20, 2019

This week..
-- we introduced Elle to patty cake.. as well as the influenza A virus that Mom brought home from work. Thankfully, Mom had the worst of it and we were able to hide (most) of Elle's doses of medication in baby foods that she tolerated. 
-- we found out that our water softener which we made a point of getting installed before we installed our appliances.. was never properly set up. In fact, it was plumbed on bypass mode and it was never given a drain. So, we kept trying to adjust the water hardness settings and it needed a little bit more than just reprogramming. Thankfully, it's now up and running and there is a huge difference in our water. Unfortunately, when it was initially functional some so-dark-you-couldn't-see-through-it brown water flowed through all of our pipes. It was backup that had been sitting in the pipes not flowing for over a year, I guess. There is nothing scarier than not knowing if your water is safe to drink and when it is all truly flushed. Gross. 



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