Sunday, July 30, 2017

HO3-- WEEK 4

The orange spray paint is the size of the future garage - considerably more functional than the existing!
 This week..
-- T was in Omaha all week for work. Well, at least he tells me he was working 8-5 because all I heard about was dinner with friends, golfing, and watching the USA soccer game with friends. He work is starting to ramp up and he's enjoying shifting away from the full-time training.
-- I was able to deliver my coworker's baby! It's always a privilege to be part of a delivery but it is even more special when it is someone you know outside of the doctor-patient relationship. It's also a great when it's complete and behind you and you're no longer wondering - will I miss the delivery if I run this errand to Omaha? Should I nap this afternoon on-call incase I'm up all day on Labor and Delivery? I LOVE that in our practice we deliver our own patients (instead of working purely on a shift-work schedule) but it can be stressful trying to be prepared for an unpredictable event!
-- I did a lot of squinting and making attempts at imagining changes at our new place. We got a good start planning the window coverings for the main floor and talked more details for the new garage. It's amazing how fast the budget can evaporate with only a few projects! A few more months and hopefully we won't feel "on display" in the new place with many windows and few spaces for privacy!


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