Sunday, October 16, 2016

HO2-- WEEK 20

Master Wasp Killer
This week..
-- it was back to normal life at the Stoecker household! This month I am rotating with Neurology (strokes, seizures, dementia, movement disorders, MS, ALS, tumors, etc). Neurology (i.e. the human brain!) is a fascinating field so it's been a good month thus far.
-- we had a wasp infestation (so random!). We've had a variety of unwelcomed insects in this house - ask me how excited that makes me *eye roll*. T has eliminated 6 in the last 24 hours so hopefully that is the last of them!
-- T had a birthday! Of course, my call night fell on his birthday... but I was able to join him and his family for a homemade dinner by Grams! I spent the rest of the night/early morning at the hospital so I think he had fairly boring end of his birthday. But we did use his birthday as an excuse to try a steakhouse in town this weekend! Yum! T has been wishing we lived in a place where he could have a garden so I bought him an Aerogarden for his gift. I think he likes it -- he updates me daily on what is sprouting (so far two romaine lettuce plants!). We did have to banish it to the laundry room because the LED lights are so bright they light up the whole house over night...


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