Life has been busy busy in the Stoecker household! Since getting home from Texas on Wednesday, I've been on call all but one night. Eeek. That makes life a little crazy :) But it's been great because I am getting lots of practice at delivering babies! Although it was a lot of driving.. T and I loved our long weekend in Texas. My test went fine (I think!) and we were able to spend time with family and friends. We were treated to two
awesome Tex-Mex meals and we made a last-minute to celebrate T's birthday by visiting here:
No, we didn't just do a drive-by of the stadium where T's beloved Dallas Cowboys play.. he got a "VIP" tour. Our good friends joined us as we were led through the 1.2 billion dollar building:
These two boys were practically drooling the whole tour |
Our tour guide was filled with statistics -- and the screen stats were the most impressive. Each of those large screen weighs 1.2 million pounds (600 tons!). They cost Jerry Jones $40 million dollars -- which is about the total price of the old stadium. You can find more ridiculous stats
This is a terrible picture with a reflection off the glass.. but it gives you some perspective
on how large the screen is in comparison to the people on the field |
We spent some time in the many lounges and suites around the stadium -- including Jerry Jone's perch:
[1] Jerry Jones' "perch" during the games
[2] the newest Ford vehicles displayed in the endzone
[3] Overhead lighting in one lounge that is designed as a football
[4] the college field in storage that is used for college games in the stadium |
The seats in the suites were definitely not your typical stadium seat:
We took a tour through the dressing rooms (including the cheerleader's):
Then, we finally made it to the field:
This really happened.. as well as a timed 40yrd dash and a jump to hit the goal posts |
That completes the tour! We'll be spending the rest of our Sunday relaxing (until my pager goes off and it's time to deliver another baby...)
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