Sunday, October 27, 2013


I'm home! and it feels so, so good! T and I both agree that it doesn't feel final yet.. it feels like just another weekend visit. We've been running a mile a minute to catch up on chores since I rolled into town, especially laundry! Friday night, after I finished my test/presentation at school, T and I spent the evening around the campfire! It was pretty crisp, so we weren't there very late.

T worked Saturday, so I took advantage of the time to run errands and finish all the chores that were on my mind. We survive week-to-week because we make the most of our free weekends! When T got home, we walked the pedestrian bridge downtown over the Missouri River and chatted/dreamed about the future. We made a few decisions.. ran a few numbers.. and feel like we have a better idea what we would like to happen. We've dreamt for a while now to move into a condo after our current place: one with a killer view, lots of windows, and walking distance to entertainment. There are only a few places in town that fit that our criteria. The reality is, by the time we would feel comfortable financially to move (we HATE debt.. including the idea of owing a bunch on a house) we would probably be looking for more space, not the same or less. But we shall see! We would love it if it all works out!

Sunday, T took off with a few friends to Kansas City for this:

Oh! And we're trying something new for lunches this week - premade salads! I've seen this idea online for a while now, but this week we are going to try it for ourselves! We'll let you know what we think..

Have a great week and a fun/safe Halloween!


1 comment:

  1. I make salads like that too! In big mason jars. They work wonderfully :)
