Sunday, July 8, 2012

Loving this summer

I've finally begun to contribute around here (I am joking of course). But in all seriousness, I started a new job last week. The Nebraska Medical Center is switching from paper charts to electronic charts the first week of August and they were looking for people to help with that transition. Right now I am helping with the training classes but the main part of my job starts August 4th when the system goes live. Then I will be assigned to a group of physicians to be their tech support for the first two weeks.

I enjoy computers and I am passionate about EMRs.. so this is a fun job. Sometimes it can be frustrating when people would rather complain about the switch than learn the software (if you don't know, for many people this is an unwelcomed change).. but it is still a good gig for me. (when you are a broke student.. anything with a salary is FABULOUS)

And, of couse, T is continuing to be a rockstar and climbing the ladder at Wells Fargo. He is now doing loans and is going to training soon so he can work with small businesses.

This past week we were able to spend lots of time with family-- we have the best family! We enjoyed games & food at my parent's for the 4th and then we had some family from Houston visit this weekend. We spend time with our families playing games, chatting, shopping at Cabelas, eating good food, watching sports, fixing cars, throwing football, and being outside.

 We have also spent time with friends at a few potlucks and lunch dates. T would say that I love an excuse to dirty as many dishes as possible... but I will use any excuse to try a new recipe! I made this super simple bread for a friend this week:

We park ourselves on the couch a fair amount too -- we've been watching the Olympic trials and Wimbeldon. Are you as stoked as we are for the games in London?! We are glued to the TV. If you live in Omaha plan on some parties at our house when the games start.

T checks the mailbox each time he walks by out of habit. Earlier this week as he left for work he opened it and found this little guy:

Our mailbox is attached to our house by the front door so we aren't sure how this little guy jumped up in there. We don't have any trees around.. anyone have an idea? We just opened the lid and a few hours later he was gone (hopefully he jumped out!)

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