Sunday, May 6, 2012

School's out... for the summer! Well.. almost.

Monday we have our final test of this school year, well, as long as we pass. Otherwise the final test is when you retake the test later this summer. We start at 8:00 am, have a lunch break from 12:00-1:00, then we resume testing until 5:30. Yuck. It's all good though. Having this test forced me to review what we've learned this year which will be helpful for board exams in the future. We were given the entire week to study and I took it pretty easy. I met with two other girls at 8:30am everyday this week to review. We started at Panera at Monday with plans to rotate through coffee shops and bakeries.. until we realized their tables are small and chairs are uncomfortable. We finished the week rotating though our own kitchen tables. But don't worry, we had some fun too! Monday T and I had dinner at another couple's house and on Wednesday, I stopped by the zoo to see the new aquarium with my study buddies. There was a lot of excitement from one of my friend's when she saw they now have her favorite fish, the cuttlefish:

picture source

This week T and I accomplished a really important mission.. to catch up on the recent Marvel comic book movies so we are ready to see the new movie, The Avengers. We rented both Thor and Captain America (yes, of course we used this month's free redbox code!). I did feel old when I fell asleep during Thor. It was good, promise! I just like to sleep. :) But no, we haven't seen The Avengers yet, but we are ready when we get a chance!

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Finally, I need to give a shout out to my younger brother who graduates from High School this Sunday.

Yes, they are letting this guy graduate...
He had his graduation party this Saturday so we got to hang out with lots of awesome family & friends while indulging in more gelato then I want to admit. The best part? Hanging with these two:

And in honor of Mother's Day next week (which gets a little overlooked when it is shared with graduation) I should include a pretty picture of my awesome mom and the soon-to-be-Papillion-La Vista-alumni:

So what do we have planned for this upcoming week? After my test we have a grill-out to celebrate with the rest of my class. Then we are excited to start on the basement! It feels like all talk at this point. But for real, we are starting this week. I am also excited to cook some real meals. Do I have recipes in mind? Nope. I'll figure that out as we go. Have a fantastic week! Hope you are getting enough sleep with these loud storms!

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