Sunday, April 15, 2012

Three Weeks to Go

I've been sitting in front of these two computers for a couple hours tonight:

What am I working on? Well on my laptop on the left is the makings of this blog post ... and on the computer on the right is this:


This computer was given to my in the seventh grade... folks.. that is like ten years ago, give or take a little. Right now I am transferring all of the files of any importance on to my external hard drive. It is so fun to go through this computer-- it is like a journal of my jr high & high school years. I have notes to friends, school assignments, dates like first kisses recorded.. yeah.. this stuff is good. For example, T got his appendix out 1 December 2004. yup. I had that on the calendar. A palm pilot calendar. That was the cool technology back then.

We have been going through our house getting things ready for Saturday. Saturday from 8am - 12 noon we are taking part in the Village Green Garage Sale.  Rumor has it that there is typically a really good turn out. We have been rummaging through our house trying to part with as much as possible. The best part? The Salvation Army arrives at 1pm to take away everything that isn't sold. That is a win for our house! Less clutter? Please! We are always trying to simplify our lives. And, if any of ya'll have garage sale tips, we would love to hear them!

For another trip down memory lane, I went to another baby shower today and each guest was asked to bring a picture to play a guessing game. What picture did I bring? I looked for the most unattractive possible.. so then maybe the new mama could have some hope if she has a 3mo old chunk someday like this girl. Sorry mom for showing the world:

Krista- December, 1989

Wowza. Can anyone top that one? Thankfully the weight-gain slowed over the next twenty-two years. 

Other good news?

Three weeks and the first year is over!!

Oh, and to summarize the week:

  • I had lunch with a (gorgeous and pregnant) friend from way back and caught up on our lives since high school
  • Was elected a position in two different clubs at school -- both are about coordinating educational programs with local elementary schools. love it.
  • Learned more about how (potentially) awesome my summer rotation can be
  • Held my own at some Minute-To-Win-It games with friends Monday night
  • Learned how awesome meditation/yoga/visualization/diet can be for a healthy life .. and more about the brain of course
  • Tried to hash out the details for finishing our basement this summer
  • Did the normal week stuff: school, church, avoid-putting-away-the-clean-laundry (I am a professional at that!)
Hope ya'll had a great week! And seriously, I would love to see some baby pictures that rival my squishyness :)


  1. I can't believe that computer is still running! And I love that pic! Priceless! I don't know if I could beat that :) Love you!

  2. The trick with that computer is that is has never had internet hooked up to it. Gotta love the internet-- but sure hate the viruses!
