Things I won't forget this week..
-- kids giggling and dashing around the house. Often with the 3yo wearing a neon headband around his forehead doing anything to keep up with his "sissy".
-- the excitement the kids had exploring the Devaney Center in Lincoln after Husker Wrestling, Cal was glued to the duel but neither kid liking the volume of the cheers. Also, how we buy all the same flavor Gatorade so no one is envious of another flavor.. but then Dad is quickly unsure which one is his and doesn't dare swap spit with the snotty kids so he's out of a drink.
-- Callum's little tear in his eye as he left his first big-kid Sunday school class. But he walked right in, sat in his chair during the music time, and was proud to tell Dad (who was visiting another area to help with training) how well he did!
-- Callum rationalizing that "it's not fair" that Daddy gets to buy a new car and trying to understand money. He was given 2 x $1 bills - so can he get "two things?" His little brain is often processing how things aren't "fair". Can't tell if having only 1 sibling makes this harder or easier?
-- Elle working hard to learn her spelling words and being in awe as she reads from the Bible or bedtime books that are brand new to her. It's fun to watch her brain continue to expand!
-- buy 15 of the school fundraiser cards from Elle so we could make her dream come true of riding in the limo. But don't worry - she's doing extra chores to help earn the prize.