Sunday, January 8, 2023


This week..

— I snapped this photo as the kids “helped” me move office spaces at the clinic. It’s an exciting move because now I have my own dedicated exam rooms where previously I worked out of whatever spaces weren’t being used that day. Elle very strategically hung her artwork back on my locker and Cal.. well Cal licked my day-old soda straw from the trashcan. 

— Elle had me laughing many times today. Her most elaborate idea was “So Mom, I think we should do this.. let’s cut a hole in the bottom of my car seat and then we can put a mattress over the top. Then! I can ride in my car seat but we could put a bucket underneath so we could drive to Nashville and if I need to poop or pee then we just move the mattress! Wouldn’t that be so much less annoying!! Maybe then we can bring some friends with the seats in the back! I think it’s a great idea..” That same 10 minute car ride she went on a tangent about geese and wondering where they poop. She was “counting” geese “one million seven! One million eight!” We talked about how they migrate and then she was quite disgusted that they poop in the lake or along the banks. She went on to warn the car that they needed to avoid any lakes that look brown because it’s PROBABLY POOP FLOATING!” Too bad the only other person in the car was her sleeping brother, so her public service announcement didn’t make it far.

— Cal is a handful. He is so sure of what he wants that he almost instantly tantrums/shrieks if things aren’t going his way. Mealtimes are especially tricky. This week, he seemed almost insatiable! He is still completely excited about dogs, balls, and caring for baby dolls. He also has a new love of smashing his sister’s magnatile castles - that one doesn’t go over so well. He can now jump and get both feet simultaneously off the ground- he’s quite proud of that. He’s also mimicking many more words as we read books at night (though many things are still named by their sounds ex: Neighs, Woof woofs, and Ho Ho Ho everytime he spots a santa). We bundled up both kids and cleared the snow from our driveway and then grandma and grandpa’s. Cal was clearly a second-child as he sported bright pink boots. But the kids had a blast pushing their shovels around and Elle attempted many snow angels! Cal was so tired afterwards that he fell asleep in all of his gear on the kitchen floor!



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