Sunday, May 26, 2013


Studying is the name of the game! (A game that is dulling as we speak..) T spent the weekend here:

(I've been bugging him to write a post about it.. so keep your fingers crossed!) 
So, I've been holding down the fort by myself. I sure miss T when he is gone, but it did give me a few extra minutes each day to devote to my studies. That sounds ridiculous, I know, but it is so necessary at this point. If I have to share T, I suppose this is a good time to do it. Studying has gotten pretty brutal. ESPECIALLY if I get on Facebook or something and see how most people (at least it feels) are just hanging out on the weekend.. boating for Memorial Day.. done with work at 5pm.. etc. But I did make a fun change in my office! I rearranged some furniture and brought up our exercise ball to sit on. People say that if you give a child with ADHD a ball to sit on during school they focus better. It's also supposed to tone your core. I don't know if any of that is true, but it's definitely a fun change!

I have so little to tell you about this week.. I spent all week in my office minus one morning of studying at a friend's and one grocery store trip. Actually, I take that back, I did have my usual church happenings. (This week that meant my normal Tuesday night meeting, paperwork to provide a woman with two weeks of groceries, providing a ride for a little girl, multiple emails, and getting organized for our class Sunday. I am not listing any of this for any recognition... I just want to share that I love that I have so many opportunities each week to help others. Taking a few minutes out of my day to help someone else is the ultimate pick-me-up (and it gets me out of my house and away from my books!) I think it's one of the best feelings ever. Have you noticed that too? Taking a few minutes away from thinking about me-me-me provides me with an awesome reality check and some great perspective. I think I learned it from my mom. She spent so much time helping others! For example, I remember her loading the four of us kids up into the van and driving us to one of her friend's homes to rake leaves. She would also spend hours on the phone supporting her friends who were dealing with tough stuff. My mom is an awesome lady!)

I did do a 5 minute craft this week during lunch! I've had this unfinished letter S at my house for probably over a year now. I think it will be helpful when new friends visit since all of our homes look alike. Now I can describe what building we live in and say, "it's the one with the blue S on the door!".

Tomorrow I will be flying my flag, eating breakfast at a potluck at one end of my neighborhood, dinner at a grill-out at the other end, and studying in between! I hope you have fun plans as well!


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