Sunday, May 12, 2013


Happy Mother's Day!! T and I are both so thankful for all the amazing women that are in our lives. We've both been blessed with INCREDIBLE mothers.. but we also have a whole army of other amazing women in our lives (grandmothers, aunts, neighbors, teachers, friends.. the list could go on and on!!). We can't even fathom the amount of sacrifice, love, perseverance, patience, and hard-work that went into raising the two of us. Hopefully we will have the the chance someday to try to give back even a portion of the energy that has been spent on us. So a huge thank you to all the amazing women in our lives!

For me, this week was part play and part the beginning of what looks to be a very difficult journey. The last half of this week I began studying for boards. I got my feet wet.. sort of testing my study plan. ugh. It was harder than I thought. Before this week, I really believed that if I just stayed focused and adhered to my plan I would be able to achieve a passing score. However, this week really shook my confidence. For the first time in medical school, I found myself frequently doubting that I could actually pull this off. I was part right- I did underestimate this test and the amount of material it covers. But I also try to remind myself that I've passed who knows how many tests so far.. and most people in my shoes also pass boards. The good news is that I didn't struggle staying focused this week! I expected that to be a bigger issue while I transitioned from half-a-day of studying to all-day studying. Overall, I am mostly sure that this will all work out.. but I wanted to document a few words about this experience before I plow through this summer and forget about how trying it was at times..

But let's take a peek at the fun stuff!

This week we..
+ .. hosted a "sprinkle" for a friend's second baby
+ .. were pretty marginal bowlers Friday night at T's work fundraiser
+ .. took not one but two trips to the cabin
+ .. loved having T's family over for dinner at our place!
+ .. made the rounds today before and after church visiting our phenomenal moms
+ .. and ate lunch on our new patio on T's day off :)

My car is being repaired this week (yay!) but I will be stranded at home while I study.. so I hope your week is more exciting than mine will be!


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